bible characters who overcame obstacles

BIBLICAL YOUTHS THAT OVERCAME OBSTACULES TO SUCEED. 2 And the hand of Midian prevailed against Israel: and because of the Midianites the children of Israel made them the dens which are in the mountains, and caves, and strong holds. Wanna obey God? It is the one who believes and recognizes the fact that Jesus is the Son of God.1 John 5:4-5 (AMP). Scriptures on Overcoming: Obstacles are part of the Christian Journey When we get to heaven, we won't have to deal with any obstacles. He struggled to believe he could deliver his people from Egypt, and he ran into the wilderness until God appeared to him at the burning bush and called him to do exactly what he had run away from. I love this story. He had stood for righteousness in a time of great darkness. Someone from the Bible who faced similar difficulties is Paul, who lost his freedom and was imprisoned multiple times throughout his ministry. Here are 20 Bible characters who wrestled with their faith and won. Hannahs ability to maintain faith in adversity is one of her most remarkable qualities. Nephi: Giving in to Temptation. Pastor Levi Lusko. Jochebed, Moses mother, and Miriam protected Moses by concealing him in the rushes at the lakes side. Here are a few examples of Bible characters to be inspired and comforted by in these challenging times. The big takeaway from all the lessons these Bible characters learned is that with God, all things are possible (Matthew 15:26). Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.". Let's allow their stories to give us inspiration today as we learn how to be bold for God. But, unfortunately, many common biblical representations of Mary Magdalene do not do her tale respect or reflect her integrity as a sincere follower of Jesus. After Eve, the Bible mentions Sarah as the next female character to follow suit. The angel said to the women, Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. We should never try to go through obstacles in our lives without having God with us. I was intimidated by Abrahams faith until I learned how much he wrestled with it, and how the wrestling didnt stop him from receiving from God. Yet not as I will, but as you will.Matthew 26:36-39 (NIV). It makes me wonder, what sort of trees should we climb, to get a better glimpse of Jesus? The men and women in the Bible show us this. We read in Judges 13-16 that Samsons life was plagued by trouble and mistakes. The Bible tells us that David grew increasingly frustrated from his constant running and hiding, living in caves and surviving on whatever food his men could find or what those loyal to him would give. In another incident, Paul was falsely accused of bringing Gentiles into the synagogue. Of course, I also notice themes of perseverance (sticking with it/staying the course), and determination (doing whatever it takes). If you make a purchase after clicking an affiliate link, my ministry gets a small commission, with no extra cost to you. 12 Incredibly Successful People Who Overcame Adversity When life feels tough, how they overcame challenges may ease your burden or inspire you. And, we love to BE overcomers too! For whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the worldour faith. How might these stories and lessons from the Bible speak to your troubles? We ended last week with a high point in the lives of the sons of Israel and Moses. AM. In the face of an uncertain future in an unfamiliar country, Ruth bravely followed Naomi. What does the Bible say about overcomers? Ruth resides in Moab at the start of the Bible, a location with inhabitants whom the Israelites scorned against. Stick with what you know. At this time, everyone was praising God and singing songs. Magdalene. His parents had to give him away - Ex. Hannah followed through on her commitment. 1 Kings 19:11-13. The detainment of John the Baptist galvanized Christ into intervention. "God is strong, and he wants you strong. Hannahs ardent prayer and fulfilled promise tell us that constancy and continuous prayer can gain Gods notice. She was an instrument of power that was unusual in her era. If their situation did not change, they would all perish. And he who rules his spirit, than he who captures a city. We can all learn from her courage to act despite our fears during times of trouble. If God tells you that youre an overcomer!, but you dont feel like one, thats okay because you wont be doing Gods work on your own power, but with HIS POWER! Job provides such a great example of holding onto faith in God, even when life doesnt make sense. He ate and drank and then lay down again. Miriam planned: she prepared for the childs biological mom to be a surrogate mother. Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors. Then he lay down under the bush and fell asleep. Deborah, Israels prophet and judge, is famed for her intelligence, bravery, and humane thirst for truth. Obstacles have destroyed many people's faith because they gave up and turned their focus away from the Lord. Joshua captured all these kings and their lands at one time, because the Lord, the God of Israel, fought for Israel. She was a great model of service to people, even in the worst trying of situations. He claimed he didnt know how to speak because he was too young. Later, Moses returned to Egypt to convince the new Pharaoh to free the Israelites, risking his life. (Exodus 15:25). But we must remember that our questions don't change who God is or His plan for our lives. But the promise was for her to have a child, not just Abraham. David saw the good hand of God throughout his own life. This series brings to life the men and women in the Bible who showed outstanding faith. The challenges that Nehemiah faced in building the wall are illustrations from God's Word of obstacles and opposition that Christians may face. "No one cares about you.". Many of us struggle with the restrictions on our freedoms during this COVID-19 pandemic. Sure, he lamented (quite a lot, in fact! It molds us as if we were clay. He had many problems with women, and in the end, he gullibly trusted a woman he shouldnt have (Delilah). It is the one who believes and recognizes the fact that Jesus is the Son of God. God had delivered them. He took a penknife and cut the cocoon. I take your privacy very seriously. The famous wilderness preacher who was sent to prepare the way of the Lord started out confident and certain. Mary of Nazareth Life in Nazareth The real Mary Mary in the gospels Paintings of Mary. Like, well, I guess maybe God doesnt exist after all, or Gods abandoning me, so Im just going to abandon my faith in Him. Jesus Christ knew who he was and how he was going to die. but in everything commending ourselves as servants of God, in much endurance, in afflictions, in hardships, in distresses. 6. Of course, his life is full of great examples (and a few bad ones), but none shines quite like the story of his victory over Goliath. As Paul neared the end of his life, he reflected on having kept the faith, and the reward he (and each of us) anticipate: For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time for my departure is near. The obstacle is the way. And while all of these people exemplified that all-important characteristic of FAITH, several of these stories are also simply about overcoming obstacles. Elijah had given his whole life into the service of the Lord. He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty. Ruth encountered obstacles because she was a widow from an insurgent force having no hopes. Nonetheless, God worked wonderfully in her tale, causing her to overcome the obstacles. We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. You can't act with knowledge, or think before you act, depending on your translation, unless you do your research. Photo credit:Thinkstock/KatarzynaBialasiewicz. Its important to point out the grace of God for those who wrestle. And what did Moses do? The Bible is one way to lift your spirit when youre down. By Herb Scribner It took a lot of time, the butterfly was trying very hard, and the gap was as little as before. Although her life was full of glory, her vocation nevertheless saw many obstacles. Elijah (who was a true prophet of the Lord) had just killed a bunch of false prophets, and evil Queen Jezebel was determined to get revenge by killing Elijah in return. H annah a persistent woman. Jeremiah, known as the weeping prophet, is one of the major prophets in the Bible. After this, God told him to name the son Isaac (which means laughter). And it will be said,Build up, build up, prepare the way,Remove every obstacle out of the way of My people., strengthening the souls of the disciples, encouraging them to continue in the faith, and saying, Through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God.. He knew there wasnt, and he stuck with what he knew and fulfilled his mission of laying down his life for us. Moses sister, Miriam, demonstrates exceptional and shocking bravery by overcoming the obstacle of saving her younger brother. SORT BY. But then Satan went to God and asked for permission to alter Job's good fortune. So let us all trust in God and turn to Him. Who makes him mute, or deaf, or seeing, or blind? But he denied it before them all. Be encouraged! A spirit. The people of Israel murmured against Moses, wondering what they should drink. The Problem With Pineapples. Ouch! Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? These female characters face obstacles at some point in life since its a component of life. For more information or to connect with Danielle go here:, Photo credit:Thinkstock/beerphotographer, 9 Christians You Don't Want to Sit Beside on Sunday Morning, 7 Ways Anxiety Dominates the Christian Mind, 7 Tests to See if Your Worship Is Truly Christian or Pagan. Samson was immoral. But he refused, believing it was not right to kill Saul, who had been anointed by God. Bible Hero #2: Moses, Deliverer of God's People Another character who can help us address the challenges and insecurities our children may be experiencing is found in Exodus 3-4. Hypothetical situation. Of course, we all know how the story of Saul ends. Yet, despite how weighed down they felt due to their dread, they remained strong enough to push through and emerge transformation as a result. For two years now there has been famine in the land, and for the next five years there will be no plowing and reaping. . When Mary and the accompanying women including the 12- decided to follow Christ, they were incurring significant risk. In Matthew 4:18-21, he tells them he will make them "fishers of men.". Israel was in a bad way when he was called, and he wrestled with the call at first. Spiritual Development Stumbling Blocks - Ignorance. Then afterwards, they came to Elim, where the Bible tells us there were 12 springs and 70 palm trees plenty of water to go around. She gave birth to the savior of the world when she was just a teenager. Yet no matter his efforts, the tide of disbelief . "Don't even try.". Stratgey #7 - Overcome Obstacles by Seeking Strength and Wisdom from God "And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. But, she refused to abandon Naomi! He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. The Bible tells us to fight the good fight of faith. Focus on who we are in Him 4. The story of Gideon in the Bible is . Wisdom and beauty both found a home in Abigail, whose story is found in 1 Samuel. You're asleep. The young lion and the serpent you will trample down. She was barren for many years and passed off as Abrahams sister two times to different kings. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that dayand not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.2 Timothy 4:6-8 (NIV). He thenaccepted that trusting God through it all was enough. I knew it was not because of my own works, as I had guessed entire sections of multiple-choice questions! And, what good advice this is for all of us! There are so many great stories of overcoming, both in the Old and New Testaments. { This post and the photos within it contain affiliate links. Jeremiah was grieved over the persecution that his prophecies caused and he became a laughingstock and the target of frequent mocking (Jer 20:7) but he knew that he couldn't keep God's words to. He struggled to believe he could deliver his people from Egypt after murdering an Egyptian and being rejected by his Hebrew brothers. A few of the factors she distinguished were her religious as well as political competence. And who better to kick off these examples of overcomers in the Bible, than Joseph?! So, again, the biggest way for how to be an overcomer as a Christian, is through your FAITH! But God equips us to overcome obstacles . Locally, he loves creating media content through writing. He will renew your life and sustain you in your old age. These Bible studies are published by the MIDDLETOWN BIBLE CHURCH, 349 East Street, Middletown, Connecticut 06457 (U.S.A.). He said, "when you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am he and that I do nothing on my own but speak just what the Father has taught me.". Frustrated with Moses, the Lord allowed him to have his brother Aaron help him. Oh, boy speaking of mistakes! Here are some thoughts that run through my head that make me feel anxious about my day: "You're no good.". She sold him out to the Philistines, and in the end he even lost his eyesight because of it. We got to rise and do His bidding for He is the one who gives us the strength and ability that we need. 15475 Gleneagle DrColorado Springs, CO 80921Phone: (719) 481-5481Email: Mary Magdalene was released from satanic obstacles and witnessed Christs resurrection glory. Then tragedy strikes and Job loses everything: his children, his wealth, his livestock, his crops, his health and even the relationship of his wife and friends. Thirteen years after Ishmael was born, God declared His promise of a son three more times for a total of seven. "At this, Job got up and tore his robe and shaved his head. Yeah, me too. But whatever I am now, it is all because God poured out his special favor on meand not without results. But thirty days have passed since I was called to go to the king. (Esther 4:11). We are here for you when you are ready. Caleb promises his daughter Achsah to whoever takes the town, and Othniel, son of Kenaz takes on the challenge . Have you ever felt inadequate, and wondered how or why in the world God would use you for anything? He asked if there was another way. Case in point, is the time when King Darius decreed that anyone who prayed to any other god or human besides the king, would be thrown into the lions den. Peters faith brought him back to Jesus, who not only reconciled him but asked him to feed His sheep. He later revealed that it was because I took action so quickly, that we were able to stay friends. Woe to the world because of its stumbling blocks! This four-week email series includes a weekly devotional + journaling prompts, to help you dive deeper into God's Word through creative journaling. Questions arise and cause us to wrestle with what we believe. This very day I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds and the wild animals, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel. These lessons may be reproduced with our permission. People in the past made their through obstacles and trials because they did not give up. ), but he still gave God praise. So Pharaoh said to Joseph, I hereby put you in charge of the whole land of Egypt. Then Pharaoh took his signet ring from his finger and put it on Josephs finger. Who are the overcomers in the Bible? We can guess the age range of some Bible women by comparison with other individuals in their stories. And the schemer is eager for their wealth. It does this by showing us great people who overcame fear and obstacles such as female Bible characters who overcame obstacles. It is never easy to make it through difficult phases of life. January 15, 2023. I knew I had to apologise but was afraid that if he found out I was responsible, our friendship would end. Ready now? Jesus will help us win our wrestling matches by his grace. If He leads us to it, He'll lead us through it. It broke all the chains and opened the doors of the prisoners! 58 Bible Verses about Overcoming He who overcomes, and he who keeps My deeds until the end, to him I will give authority over the nations; 1 John 5:4 Verse Concepts For whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the worldour faith. Jesus had predicted Peter's denial and prayed for Peters faith to not failand it didnt. But, God still called me to be a Christian blogger (and, to start a YouTube channel too!). Jesus knew he really wasnt. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. Reaching into his bag and taking out a stone, he slung it and struck the Philistine on the forehead. It was Peter who was commended by Jesus for receiving the revelation from the Father that Jesus was the Son of the Living God. And when I say mistake, I mean, like, a huge sin, the kind that a person regrets for the rest of their life. Elijah is known for prophesying drought and subsequently being fed by ravens and a widow before his epic challenge to the prophets of Baal on Mount Horeb. In Philippi, Paul was accused of anti-Roman teachings and got thrown in prison. The destiny that God had placed in the heroes of the Bible were obtained through immense obstacles and finding the strength to overcome. She was a conscientious woman in the Bible that stood eager to commit to the welfare of everyone else before her own. In Philippi, Paul was accused of anti-Roman teachings and got thrown in prison. Her son, Samuel, lived to be among the Bibles best influential and Blameless individuals. And I will also write on them my new name.Revelation 3:11-12 (NLT). She was a new queen who lived comfortably with the love of the king. Standing there is a figure. Seniors and their families are facing the effects of the coronavirus outbreak in assisted living communities and across the world, and there are many unknowns associated with that. Is Jesus not worth climbing the tree for? But she soon faced a difficult trial: a man named Haman convinced the king to enact a decree, ordering the killing of all Jewish people. Article Images Copyright , 14 Bible Characters Who Wrestled with Their Faith and Won, Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! Of course, you know I couldnt write about examples of overcomers in the Bible, without mentioning the King of Kings, the Chief Overcomer, our risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. The Female character, too, lost her spouse without having children, leading others to believe she was barren. She never thought she could overcome such. Each of the six advocates below combines their faith in God with a unique advocacy strategy, and God uses them all powerfully to bring about justice. Tools. Faith is putting your trust in something or someone. Jonah didnt wrestle with his faith because what God asked him to do was hard; Jonah wanted Nineveh to be destroyed. When King Darius went to check on Daniel the next morning, he found quite the surprise, as Daniel explained to him how he was still alive, My God sent his angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions. And I will write on them the name of my God, and they will be citizens in the city of my Godthe new Jerusalem that comes down from heaven from my God. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Elijahs humanity kicked in as he ran for his life, sat under a broom bush wrestling with his faith and praying to die. Or the tree of slowing down and being still in the midst of a crazy life, to hear Gods still, small voice. sedmak, Getty Images/iStockphoto. Am I not sending you? We need to possess the same desire. An overcomer is not sinless, but holds fast to faith in Christ until the end. 2:3"But when she could hide him no longer, she got a papyrus basket for him and coated it with tar and pitch. We may not always understand His ways, but we can trust that He is good . Not all role models are athletes and movie stars. I think so often in life, we think were entitled to have only good things, and when bad things happen, it can be tempting to give up on God. A voice of one is calling out,"Clear the way for the Lord in the wilderness [remove the obstacles ];Make straight and smooth in the desert a highway for our God. You wake up to a bright light in the middle of the room. Deborah The female warrior in the Bible. He was pushed to the limit. But in the garden of Gethsemane he felt our humanity under the intense pressure. Then he fell to the ground in worship and said: Be encouraged, God has called you an overcomer! There are plenty of Bible characters who could serve as role models for kids. Is it not I, the LORD? Job protested his innocence to his friends, and eventually asked God to explain Himself. And last among these examples of overcomers in the Bible, is Timothy. Regardless, I pushed through the fear and apologised. Even though I knew it was wrong, I compromised to save myself, and regret that decision to this day. 6. bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.Matthew 16:18-19 (NIV). For example, God encouraged Joshua in Joshua 1:9 to be strong and courageous because He will be with Him. The wife of Abraham went through her own time wrestling with faith while Abraham was going through his. Next post: 25 Bible Verses About The Word of God, Previous post: Jesus Calms the Storm ~ Bible Journaling Tutorial. Mordecai, Esthers cousin, pleaded for her to talk to the King. 3.) Ruths faith was impressive, considering such a youthful person of faith. But Gideon balked at the words and the call. 1. Nevertheless, they prevailed over the greatest challenges in their lives and proved that with strength, courage, and determinationand a little help from Godanyone can succeed. Hannah. We question our worth and whether He knows what He's doing. If I could summarize the overcomer definition in the Bible in just a few words, it would be TO STAY TRUE TO YOUR FAITH IN CHRIST, NO MATTER WHAT! Thomas became known as Doubting Thomas because he wrestled with the truth that Jesus rose from the dead. (You can read more about this in the book of Acts). He does not turn away when times get difficult or become an apostate. We dont think much about it in our modern age of 30-year-old millionaires, and bosses that are often 20 years younger than the employees they manage. My friend was angry, but we were able to make amends. Cling to truths instead. So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone; without a sword in his hand he struck down the Philistine and killed him.1 Samuel 17:45-50 (NIV). This day the LORD will deliver you into my hands, and Ill strike you down and cut off your head. Notwithstanding these challenges, the mother of Jesus obeyed God and submitted to His will. For example, I faced a tough period in my life during the O-Level Mandarin Chinese exams. While there was happiness in maternity, there was also tremendous anguish in honor of becoming Jesuss mother. Jesus answered with evidence so John could hold fast to his profession of faith. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. He wanted to always do things the right way. John had frequent run-ins with the Pharisees. But I take comfort in knowing I'm not alone in my feelings of insecurity. After the seventh time, Sarah laughed, unable to fathom having a child at her age. Is it True for Christians That 'Once Saved, Always Saved'? Their brother became sick while Jesus was out of town and they sent for him. We know as Christians, that the victories we have in this life are enabled by God! Faced with temptations? Earlier on in his life, Moses ran to the wilderness to flee from Pharaoh who wanted to kill him. And the Lord showed him a piece of wood, He threw it in the water, and the water became fit to drink (Exodus 15:25). This is a selection of people who overcame adversity, obstacles and difficult odds to attain a significant achievement. It describes a man who gives himself entirely and completely to God. 1. He struggled to believe he could deliver his people from Egypt, and he ran into the wilderness until God appeared to him at the burning bush and called him to do exactly what he had run away from. Bible Verses About Overcoming - Struggles come in all shapes and sizes - fears, addictions, persecution, and worries can all seem to take over our thoughts. Thank the Lord! When using these study sheets it is best to use a King James Version Bible in order to avoid confusion. Gideon in the Bible is an Old Testament character everyone can identify with. Abraham is an example that even if we keep wrestling, we can win. Psa 18:32. So, what we can we learn from Samson? Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a125481cb951f21 Stay at the door and keep knocking, until God either opens that door, or calls you down the hall to a different door. She knew what it felt like to be lonely. We do not have to be in harsh environments like a desert to encounter difficult times. People who can stay strong and face every difficulty head-on and don't give up easily are hugely resilient. But even through all those trials, Joseph never wavered in his commitment to God. Other books include A Bird Named Payn, and Loves Manifesto. That was what happened to queen Esther. Maintain faith in Christ until the end he even lost his freedom and was imprisoned multiple times throughout ministry! Than he who captures a city God had placed in the Bible mentions Sarah as the next female character follow., Moses mother, and he stuck with what we believe outstanding faith him. You are ready accompanying women including the 12- decided to follow suit journaling prompts, to a. 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    bible characters who overcame obstacles