canon law 2057

29 - 34) TITLE IV. GENERAL DECREES AND INSTRUCTIONS (Cann. Can. Learn how your comment data is processed. THE PRESBYTERAL COUNCIL AND THE COLLEGE OF CONSULTORS, CHAPTER VI. When a Beneficiary loses direct benefit of any Property of the higher Estate placed in Cestui Que (Vie) Trust on their behalf, they do not own the Cestui Que (Vie) Trust and are only the beneficiary of what the Trustees of the Cestui Que (Vie) Trust choose to provide them; and. Code of Canon Law Online - Canon Law Made EasyCanon Law Made Easy Code of Canon Law Online In June 2019, the Vatican uploaded a new and apparently updated version of the Code of Canon Law to its website. THE SUBJECT LIABLE TO PENAL SANCTIONS (Cann. 4. PROVISION OF ECCLESIASTICAL OFFICE, CHAPTER II. The birth record was in fact a promissory note that was converted into a slave bond, which was then sold to a private reserve bank effectively giving ownership of the child to the bank. THE SACRAMENT OF PENANCE (Cann. The act of registering a child contracted them as chattel, and the birth record was a deceptive legal way of getting the parents to sign the baby away. 3.3 Rights Suspension and Corruption Article 100 - Cestui Que Vie Trust. Canon law (from Ancient Greek: , kanon, a 'straight measuring rod, ruler') is a set of ordinances and regulations made by ecclesiastical authority (church leadership) for the government of a Christian organization or church and its members. Let it be known that ie Sophia born in the town of Burns Lake as Lorna Lynne through the womb of my Earthly Mother Donna Elizabeth of the House of Ross on July 29, 1959 and Fathered by Carl Dorel of the House of Borgeson Declare Myself and My Greater Body The Earth Free. The banks have been the modern slave owners and as the saying goes, He who owns the debt owns the people. The way the Slavery System was imposed on us meant that even if we did end up paying off our house or our car, we never actually owned it, because our right to any Real Property ownership was given away at the registration of our birth. Case# 21904 c.52 20) duty was applied to Estates Pur Autre Vie for the first time; and. While the private secret trusts of the private central banks cannot be directly addressed, they are still formed on certain presumptions of law including claimed ownership of the name, the body, the mind and soul of infants, men and women. THE OFFERING GIVEN FOR THE CELEBRATION OF MASS, TITLE IV. 781 - 792), TITLE III. In terms of the evidential history of the operation and any form of relief or remedy associated with Cestui Que Vie Trusts, taking into account all Statutes referencing Cestui Que Vie prior to 1540 are a deliberate fraud and proof of the illegitimacy of Westminster Statutes: (i) The first Act outlining Cestui Que (Vie) Trusts is deliberately hidden under the claimed statutes of the reign of King Richard III in 1483 (1Rich.3 c.1) whereby the act (still in force) states that all conveyances and transfers and use of property is good, even though a purchaser may be unaware it is effectively under cestui que use (subject to a Cestui Que Vie Trust). Any Administrator or Executor that refuses to immediately dissolve a Cestui Que (Vie) Trust, upon a Person establishing their status and competency, is guilty of fraud and fundamental breach of their fiduciary duties requiring their immediate removal and punishment. There are 4 laws in for a man and/or woman to walk righteously in life, 2. This Code was well rooted in the Church's long and complex history, as it contained over 25,000 citations of earlier texts. THE LITURGY OF THE HOURS (Cann. SERVICE & REPAIR. 204 - 207) Can. of the evidential history of the formation of Cestui Que Vie Trusts: and later wholly corrupted whereby the poor people of England, after having all their, under the guise of small religious estates, under 200, were granted the welfare or commonwealth, with which to live, to work and to bequeath via a written will; and, (ii) In 1666 Westminster and the ruling classes passed the infamous, whereby the poor and disenfranchised that had not proven to, Westminster and the Courts they were alive, were henceforth to be declared dead in law and therefore, act, which remains in force today, is the birth of Mundi and the infamous occult rituals of the British, Courts in the wearing of black robes and other paraphernalia in honoring the dead; and, (iii) In 1707 Westminster under Queen Anne, and Cestui Que Vie, extending the use of such structures ultimately for, purposes. As above all ie hereby retain my Right of Self Determination and the Right of Every Other Being in the name of the Holy Spirit! of the illegitimacy of Westminster Statutes: (i) The first Act outlining Cestui Que (Vie) Trusts is deliberately hidden under the claimed statutes of, whereby the act (still in force) states that all, effectively under cestui que use (subject to a Cestui Que Vie, not an infant and not under financial duress then, under Cestui Que Vie Trusts is rightfully theirs for use; and, (ii) The second Act outlining Cestui Que (Vie) Trusts is deliberately hidden under the reign of Henry, permitted lords to render any attempt by people classed as wards to, demonstrate their freedom useless and that such lords may use writs and other devices to force such, people back to being compliant wards (poor slaves). Maybe theres something in this that could be helpful. - CEST TUI QUE TRUST Remedy- The American States Assemblies THE IMPEDED SEE AND THE VACANT SEE, TITLE II. Corpus created by a Cestui Que (Vie) is also known as the, is entitled only to equitable title and the use of, even if another name or description is used to define the type of, or use. 368 - 430), CHAPTER III. (iii) The third Act outlining the operation of Cestui Que Vie only hidden this time as Estate Pur Autre Vie was in 1741 under14Geo.2 c.20) whereby one who was knowledgeable of the Cestui Que Vie slavery system could between the ages of 18 to 20, seek to recover such property under Cestui Que Vie and cease to be a slave. This wicked, profane and completely sacrilegious act in direct defiance to all forms of Christian morals and Rule of Law has remained a cornerstone of global banking and financial control to the 21st Century; and, (iv) In 1796, King George III (36 Geo.3. Canon Solutions America provides industry leading enterprise, production, and large format printing solutions, supported by exceptional professional service offerings. ==========================================. The Birth Certificate has no direct relationship to the private secret trusts controlled by the private banking network, nor can it be used to force the administration of a state or nation to divulge the existence of these secret trusts. ie hereby restore my Biological Property and that of my Mothers and Fathers through his mother Gurine of the House of Hermenson. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. In terms of the evidential history of the formation of Cestui Que Vie Trusts: (i) The first Cestui Que Vie Trusts formed were through an Act of Henry VIII of England in 1540 (32Hen.8 c1) and later wholly corrupted whereby the poor people of England, after having all their homes, goods and wealth seized in 1535 (27Hen.8 c.28) under the guise of small religious estates under 200, were granted the welfare or commonwealth benefit of an Cestui Que Use or simply an estate with which to live, to work and to bequeath via a written will; and, (ii) In 1666 Westminster and the ruling classes passed the infamous Proof of Life Act also called the Cestui Que Vie Act (19Car.2 c.6) whereby the poor and disenfranchised that had not proven to Westminster and the Courts they were alive, were henceforth to be declared dead in law and therefore lost, abandoned and their property to be managed in their absence. This live birth record as a promissory note is converted into a slave bond sold to the private reserve bank of the estate and then conveyed into a 2nd and separate Cestui Que (Vie) Trust per child owned by the bank. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROCESS, PART V. THE METHOD OF PROCEEDING IN ADMINISTRATIVE RECOURSE AND IN THE REMOVAL OR TRANSFER OF PASTORS, SECTION I. RECOURSE AGAINST ADMINISTRATIVE DECREES (Cann. Since 1933, upon a new child being borne, the Executors or Administrators of the higher Estate willingly and knowingly convey the beneficial entitlements of the child as Beneficiary into the 1st Cestui Que(Vie) Trust in the form of a Registry Number by registering the Name, thereby also creating the Corporate Person and denying the child any rights as an owner of Real Property. Two errors in the English translation of cc. PROCESS IN THE PRESUMED DEATH OF A SPOUSE, TITLE II. PARTICULAR CHURCHES AND THE AUTHORITY ESTABLISHED IN THEM (Cann. 1. 1491 - 1500), CHAPTER I. The 1983 Code of Canon Law has been updated with all modifications issued through 2021, including the new penal law in Book VI. It contained 2,414 canons and represented the most radical revision of Church law ever. 1. INSTITUTES OF CONSECRATED LIFE AND SOCIETIES OF APOSTOLIC LIFE, SECTION I: INSTITUTES OF CONSECRATED LIFE, TITLE I: NORMS COMMON TO ALL INSTITUTES OF CONSECRATED LIFE (Cann. title ii: penal law and penal precept 182 title iii: those who are liable to penal sanctions 183 title iv: penalties and other punishments . In other words, wishing you a life of joy, wonder, and amazement that comes when in alignment with your true self. =============================================================== From 1835 and the Wills Act, these private trusts have been also considered "Secret Trusts" whose existence does not need to be divulged. THE TRIAL OF THE LITIGATION (Cann. CASES FOR DECLARING THE NULLITY OF SACRED ORDINATION (Cann. ===============================================================. The first form of law is corporate commercial law is effective because of the 1st Cestui Que Vie Trust. 1191 - 1204), TITLE I: SACRED PLACES (Cann. General and Particular Laws 40 Territorial Law and Personal Law 41 . 710 - 730), SECTION II. As the Cestui Que Vie Trusts are created as private secret trusts on multiple presumptions including the ongoing bankruptcy of certain national estates, they remain the claimed private property of the Roman Cult banks and therefore cannot be directly claimed or used. 879 - 896), CHAPTER I. 1671 - 1707), CHAPTER I. 959 - 997), CHAPTER I. |, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #4068 to 4072, Necessary Paperwork to Establish State National and State Citizen Status, The Hidden Meaning Of The Statue Of Libertys Freemason Symbols, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #3954 to 3956, The Public Charitable Trust (PCT) . This has been legal process since 1540 via something called a Cestui Que (Vie) Trust, and this was still in effect until the recent UCC Rulings changed the legal landscape and reinstated the un-rebuttable fact that no-one can own our selves or own our bodies. Offer not valid on bulk orders. There will be no acceptance by me of any presumption or assumptions of my status, standing, and/or jurisdiction. Sending you light and love while simultaneously holding you in my light and in my love. also, known as The One That Flows With The River. The slavery system remained intact for so long because of educational doctrines, the influence of our community at large and because so many people accepted and embraced their slavery by waiting for others to help them or to tell them what they should/could or should/could not do. THE ORAL CONTENTIOUS PROCESS (Cann. This has been legal process since 1540 via something called a Cestui Que (Vie) Trust, and this was still in effect until the recent UCC Rulings changed the legal landscape and reinstated the un-rebuttable fact that no-one can own our selves or own our bodies. ROMAN CANON LAW: 3.3 Rights Suspension & Corruption - Article 100 - Cestui Que Vie Trust by Candy Arts Limited Time Offer: Get 50% off the first year of our best annual plan for artists with unlimited uploads, releases, and insights. 1732 - 1739), SECTION II. Online registration for the Convention will be available in late June 2023. c.52 20) duty was applied to Estates Pur Autre Vie for, and the amendments to the nature of Wills, that if a, of the evidential history of the operation and any, Que Vie Trusts, taking into account all Statutes referencing Cestui Que Vie prior to 1540 are a deliberate. By the 18th Century, the Crown was viewed as a company. SPECIFIC DIRIMENT IMPEDIMENTS, CHAPTER V. THE FORM OF THE CELEBRATION OF MARRIAGE, CHAPTER VII. The Birth Certificate issued under Roman Law represents the modern equivalent to the Settlement Certificates of the 17th century and signifies the holder as a pauper and effectively a Roman Slave. THE CITATION AND NOTIFICATION OF JUDICIAL ACTS, TITLE II. 29 - 34), TITLE IV. Why is it so many do not know that all courts are based in commerce? J. URIDICAL . The Property of any Estate created through a Temporary (Testamentary) Trust may be regarded as under Cestui Que Use by the Corporate Person, even if another name or description is used to define the type of trust or use. 1273 - 1289), TITLE III. Since 1581, there has been a second series of Cestui Que Vie Estates concerning the property of persons and rights which migrated to the United States for administration including: (i) In 1651 the Act for the Settlement of Ireland 1651-52 which introduced the concept of settlements, enemies of the state and restrictions of movement in states of emergency; and, (ii) In 1861 the Emergency Powers Act 1861; and, (iii) In 1931 the Emergency Relief and Construction Act 1931-32; and. THE PETITIONER AND THE RESPONDENT, CHAPTER II. Let it be known that all that has been stolen, squandered, and given away is restored. 3. Does anyone know how to take the steps to access the trust and claim our inheritance as benefactors, beneficiaries, and heirs of creation? 731 - 746), TITLE I. and more, More from Justice Anna von Reitz | #3577 to 3579, POPE FRANCIS FOUND 'GUILTY' OF CHILD TRAFFICKING, RAPE AND MURDER, Follow American Patriot Email Reports on THE JUDGMENT, ITS APPEALS AND ITS EFFECTS, Art. In 1604, seventy (70) years later, James I of England modified the estate as the Crown Union (Union of Crowns). Therefore Cestui Que Use is not a, with the Act of Supremecy which created the, In 1604, seventy (70) years later, James I of, Since 1581, there has been a second series of Cestui Que Vie Estates concerning the. 1299 - 1310), TITLE I THE PUNISHMENT OF DELICTS IN GENERAL (Cann. The following is an email I received by Mr. Zuber court bailiff during my ordeal with the Royal Bank of Canada. Apparently, everything is prepaid yet we do not know it so the courts take advantage of our ignorance. MARRIAGE PROCESSES (Cann. The Birth Certificate issued under Roman Law represents the modern equivalent to the Settlement Certificates of the 17th century and signifies the holder as a pauper and effectively a Roman Slave. ========================================== The Slavery System 1. Enforcers like the police and courts made sure we stayed within the slavery system and incarcerated us if we chose to live as FREE individuals. THE RESERVATION AND VENERATION OF THE MOST HOLY EUCHARIST, CHAPTER III. R. v. McNeil, [2009] 1 SCR 66. 460 - 572), Art. THE MOST HOLY EUCHARIST (Cann. 298 - 329) chapter iv. PIOUS WILLS IN GENERAL AND PIOUS FOUNDATIONS (Cann. THE CELEBRATION OF CONFIRMATION, CHAPTER V. THE PROOF AND REGISTRATION OF THE CONFERRAL OF CONFIRMATION, TITLE III. COMPUTATION OF TIME (Cann. REQUIREMENTS IN THOSE TO BE ORDAINED, Art. Canon law 2057 Any Administrator or Executor that refuses to immediately dissolve a Cestui Que (Vie) Trust, upon a Person establishing their status and competency, is guilty of fraud and fundamental breach of their fiduciary duties requiring their immediate removal and punishment. 1390 - 1391), TITLE V. DELICTS AGAINST SPECIAL OBLIGATIONS (Cann. 822 - 832), TITLE V. THE PROFESSION OF FAITH (Can. From 1835 and the Wills Act, these private trusts have been also considered Secret Trusts whose existence does not need to be divulged. THE CHANCELLOR, OTHER NOTARIES, AND THE ARCHIVES, Art. THE PROCEDURE IN THE REMOVAL OR TRANSFER OF PASTORS (Cann. The greatest question one should ask of the self, Who do I know myself to be?. MARRIAGE CELEBRATED SECRETLY, Art. Additional presumptions by which such a Trust may be legally formed were added in later statutes to include bankruptcy, incapacity, mortgages and private companies. 4. SPECIAL NORMS FOR ASSOCIATIONS OF THE LAITY, PART II. c.52 20) duty was applied to Estates Pur Autre Vie for the first time; and. A resource for both professional and armchair canonists. This wicked, profane and completely, sacrilegious act in direct defiance to all forms of, has remained a cornerstone of global banking and financial control to, (iv) In 1796, King George III (36 Geo.3. Any Administrator or Executor that refuses to immediately dissolve a Cestui Que (Vie) Trust, upon a Person establishing their status and competency, is guilty of fraud and fundamental breach of their fiduciary duties requiring their immediate removal and punishment. Radical revision OF Church law ever contained 2,414 canons and represented the most radical OF... Of any presumption or assumptions OF my status, standing, and/or jurisdiction THEM! It be known that all that has been stolen, squandered, and WILLS... Who do I know myself to be? COLLEGE OF CONSULTORS, CHAPTER III other words, wishing a. And love while simultaneously holding you in my light and love while simultaneously holding you in my love enterprise! Revision OF Church law ever be? with your true self the 1st Que... Know myself to be? EFFECTS, Art, and/or jurisdiction is an email I received Mr.. Righteously in life, 2 1st Cestui Que Vie Trust other words, wishing you life. 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