mansa musa's hajj: remembering the journey answer key

Qu dicen? Enjoy this free article courtesy ofJunior Scholastic, the Social Studies classroom magazine for grades 68. It could be used to preserve meat and other foods. Mansa Musas entourage impressed the governor of Cairo, but what really amazed him was the amount of gold the king and his people brought with them. He traveled with a serious squad: more than 60,000 people, including 12,000 servants. You went from Mali to Constantinople to India Musa's journey was a 4,000-mile hajjthe Muslim pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca. Required fields are marked *. Q: Did Musa spend all of his money on building stuff? 5. like ivory and animal hides and timber - its worth noting, by the way, that when youre Mansa Musa Pilgrimage . Mansa Musa borrowed gold from lenders in cairo, to rectify the problem of excess gold, which he caused. Because it will atone for their sins What percentage of travelers on the hajj were Mansa Musa's personal servants? A: Pretty important. Because Mansa Musa gave away so much gold on his journey to the pilgrimage it devalued the metal for the next decade in the cities he visited like Cairo. The document also stated that women took part in the fight. 6. I mean some of it probably isnt true, but it sure is important. Q: How does Musa stack up to todays wealthiest people? He ruined it as it caused its value to go down. throughout the city that took years to recover from. Lets go to the Thought Outsiders conquered Gao, one of the kingdoms most important trading hubs, around 1365. He had brought judges to his country and became a student of religion, himself. Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is currently the worlds richest person. It still stands in Timbuktu today. Mansa Musa (1280-1337) Mansa Musa, fourteenth century emperor of the Mali Empire, is the medieval African ruler most known to the world outside Africa. The conquests helped Musa in more than one way. Like any huge place, T y tus amigos estn de vacaciones en Costa Rica y hablan de sus planes. world. in finding out more about his homeland. By Abraham Cresques of Mallorca Catalan Atlas of the known world (mapamundi), drawn by Abraham Cresques of Mallorca. There are 5 pillars of Islam, one being a Hajj to Mecca, that Muslims take part in to prove that they are good Muslims. Now scholars recognize that all the What reason might explain why the people of Sudan were willing to trade large quantities of gold for salt? Modern day Swahili, by the way, is still a He spent so much of this gold that there was an economic crash in Cairo, which people still felt 12 years after he left. And as we say in my hometown, Don't Forget To Be Awesome. Once Musa crossed from Africa into Asia, most of his route to Mecca was in which general direction? Then compare those points with the maps scale of miles or kilometers. He was also known for his generosity, handing out millions of dollars worth of gold., Those habits were likely the secret to his great success, says David Tschanz, who wrote a book about the emperor., If you have a good economy and everybodys happy, he says, nobody gets upset with you.. He brought with him an entourage of over 1000 people (some sources say 60,000) and, most importantly, 100 camel loads of gold. his attendants, and as he traveled through the world, a lot of people - notably the merchants Last week's Phrase Of The Week was "Animal Mansa Musa was a very wealthy leader of Mali who decided to go on this pilgrimage to Mecca to complete one of the 5 pillars of Islam, and he gave some of his gold to people who lived in the cities along the way where salt was abundant and gold was very valuable. How is Ibn Battutas life evidence of the Islamic World as a network. He looks like a King holding a piece of gold, wearing a rob. Magill, Frank N., ed. To log in and use all the features of Khan Academy, please enable JavaScript in your browser. With an estimated fortune of $131bn (99bn) he is the wealthiest man in modern history. 1. I dont think the last part is accurate either. Mansa Musa showered the Egyptian court in Cairo with gold, and the city would remember his generosity for many years. His reign was said to be the height of the Mali Empire. In order with Islam - for instance, giving women more equality than was seen in Islams birthplace. In many of the Swahili states, these Muslim but here you are listening to me talk! Road. Spring 2019 A very harsh journey through the Sahara desert consisted of little to no water, lots of flies and even some dead and lost people. If Im not mistaken. Most of the goods exported were raw materials, B. relatively devout. The merchants converted to have access to more, Another reason for this lending rate would have been to adjust the devaluation of gold and the inflation of prices on goods. It is vital for every leaders, activists and even teachers to know how to sway and individual or audience. You can measure distance by placing the edge of a piece of paper along two points on a map. He was the first Muslim African ruler to make the pilgrimage. What was Mali like when Mansa Musa ruled it, in terms of both politics and religion? The lavish display of wealth was designed to advertise his kingdom as a trade destination, and to a large extent, it worked, Smith says. by Malian women - writing, They are extremely beautiful, and more important than the men. It was such an extravagant trip that it wowed people throughout Europe and the Middle East. Your email address will not be published. He was the first Muslim African ruler to make the pilgrimage. Mansa Musa knew all about the places he was going before until the extremely elite year of 1337, was a large swath of West Africa, running from largest and best-known of which was Timbuktu. most of the cities boasted large mosques. Hajj the pilgrimage to Mecca, an important duty of Muslim men to go on a Hajj at least once in his or her lifetime Mansa King or solution that ruled in Africa. AP Modern Must Know Dates 95%. Dear Ibn Battuta, Bro, I love twitter and my x-box and Hawaiian So there was this king Mansa Musa, who ruled Just as Alkhateeb stated, the effect that Mansa Musas visit had on Egypt clearly shows the wealth and importance of the. Mogadishu - all of which formed a network of trade ports. But construction was not Musas only expense. Musas slaves lugged another 24 tons of the precious metal.. It still stands in Timbuktu today. went home and wrote a really famous book called the Rihla, which people still read today and Mali gained its independence in 1960 but has since suffered droughts, rebellions, and a military dictatorship.. Mansa Musas pilgrimage also brings up a The 14th-century ruler still tops the list as the richest person of all time. he got there, and after his visits, the rest of the Mediterranean world was sure interested After Ghana collapsed the regions they had became farming villages. He also handed out gold to Egypts poor and sick people, and to just about everyone else he encountered. As for gold, the upper reaches of the Niger River produced more gold in the 14th century than anywhere else, says Richard Smith. 1.What do we use to find direction on a map? Haven't signed into your Scholastic account before? group called Bantu, and its original speakers were from West Africa. His net worth would have topped $400 billion in todays dollars. 7. the distortions. and east would give them prestige, not to mention access to scholars and administrators (European countries colonized much of Africa around that time.) in West Africa, which meant that the Muslim kings were trying to extend their power over in the Secret Compartment today. that one. major Swahili cities were founded well before Islam arrived in the region and that, in fact, DIRECTION:Find thecompass roseon the map. In fall 2017, when costume designer Sanja Manakoski was charged with creating a 21st-century version of Don Quixotes suit of armor for the Glencoe, Ill.-based Writers Theatres production of Quixote: On the Conquest of Self, she turned to the knight errant himself for inspiration.Our Don Quixote is no regular knight, explains Manakoski 17 MFA, who recently earned a masters degree in stage costume design. Like what you see? After viewing the video, students might comment that Mansa Musa spread Islam during his hajj to Mecca by building mosques on his trip. The Cambridge History of Africa, Vol 3 from c. 1050 to c. 1600. Halfway between any two of them are the intermediate directions: northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest. however, is a bit more complicated. He built houses in Cairo and in Mecca to house A: He was in the right place at the right time, for starters. Which trade-route city was directly east of Timbuktu? Mansa Musa is known for leading the pilgrimage of 60,000 people to Mecca in 1324 with tons of camels carrying pounds of gold! In 1324 Musa embarked on a hajj, a religious pilgrimage to Mecca, traveling with an entourage that included 8,000 courtiers, 12,000 servants and 100 camel loads of . But Musa didnt just want wealth and power, said Casely-Hayford. DIRECTION: Find the compass rose on the map. These days, we tend to think of writing as multiple lenses, we discover a complicated, diverse place that was sometimes rich and His name was Mansa Musa, and he was a devout Muslim. The prophet Muhammad was called upon by god. After several years of planning, the kings journey to Arabia finally started in 1324. John not only cover the the West African Malian Empire, which is the one Mansa Musa ruled, but he discusses the Ghana Empire, and even gets over to East Africa as well to discuss the trade-based city-states of Mogadishu, Mombasa, and Zanzibar. Mansa Musa was a devout Muslim. He also handed out gold to Egypts poor and sickand to just about everyone else he encountered. He was the first Muslim African ruler to make the pilgrimage. 9.About how many straight-line miles separate Cairo and Mecca? Mark the center of each point on the paper. What is the meaning of AD, BC, BCE and CE? And then the kings followed Dorado. Mansa Musa was the most known African ruler in the fourteenth century. Many of these actions occurred during Mansa Musas pilgrimage to Mecca in 1312. Because of his kingdoms abundance of gold, Mansa Musa was known as one of the richest men who ever lived on earth. All of that fits in Africa! There was no central authority So there was this king Mansa Musa, who ruled the west African empire of Mali, and in 1324-ish, he left his home and made the hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca. African gold. And, 2. mansa Musa almost bankrupts the Egyptian sultan so he borrowed money to reinflate their economy. The eastern . trading partners in the North and the rest of the Mediterranean. Until then, most of the people But a century later, Musa took the empire to the next level. Do these lines from the Qur'an suggest what that gold might be used for? over and over again to Africa. Why is Khan Academy a non-profit organization? a common culture: language, trade and religion. How do we know about early African history? Musa was nicknamed the Lion of Mali. Original accounts about him and his reign still exist. Outsiders conquered Gao around 1365. Tesfu, Julianna. When he became the 10th king of the Mali Empire, the kingdoms of Gao and Mani were under Mansa Musa's rule. teacher, Raoul Meyer, and myself, and our graphics team is Thought Bubble. We do know Sundiata was powerful and successful. Gabriel proclaimed that Muhammad was a prophet, messenger of God. His reign was said to be the height of the Mali Empire. of Africa where there was an alternative model of civilizational development. Imagine traveling through the Sahara Desert with 60,000 other people for four months. A: Its not even a contest. He received piety and generosity and he earned his respect from the local populations of Egypt. So whats so important about the story of In Mecca, Muhammad 's town, this was not a popular idea because their religion persisted of multiple gods, also known as a polytheistic religion. Smith is an expert on ancient Mali at Ferrum College in Virginia. Direct link to Rebecca O'Connor's post phrase of the week great , Posted a month ago. They are trying to please Allah. Bantu-based language, although its been heavily influenced by Arabic. How did Mansa Musa increase the wealth of his empire? Along the way, Musa spentand handed outa lot of gold. history. King Mansa Musa is famous for his Hajj journey, during which he stopped off in Egypt and gave out so much gold that the Egyptian economy was ruined for years to come. Read the cover story,Caravans of Gold: Fragments in Time,on theBlock Museum of Arts exhibition. look at lots of sources, and lots of kinds of sources if we want to get a fuller picture Mansa Musa was the emperor of Mali when he made a pilgrimage to Mecca in 1324. Mansa Musa was a monotheistic, Muslim leader who wanted to spread the Islam belief of one god and diminish the polytheistic faith while following the 5 Pillars from the Muslim holy book, the Koran, throughout his religious pilgrimage across Africa to the city of Mecca. One of Musas mud-brick-and-wood structures is the Djinguereber Mosque. Something we learn from this long journey is that many people liked the bling you could say, also known as. Oh. Mali had a rule that all the gold mined in the empire should always be given to the king, and this was how Mansa Musa became as wealthy as he did. For one thing, merchants paid him taxes. the traders, maybe because sharing the religion of more established kingdoms in the north Musa and his followers crossed the Sahara Desert. How did you reach your research? His empire lived on for only 100 or so more years. The 14th-century ruler still tops the list as the richest person of all time. The empire of Mali was established around 1235 C.E. The empire of Mali, which Mansa Musa ruled But Musas claim to fame went far beyond money. 7.Which general direction did his hajj take to Taghaza? That title is believed to belong to Mansa Musa, the. One of the greatest caravans to ever cross the Sahara was led by Mansa Musa, the legendary ruler of the vast West African empire of Mali. Unfortunately, the shopkeepers of the city tricked and overcharged Mansa Musas people whenever they shopped in their markets. The early Islamic empire expanded by using different methods such as conquering lands, spreading their religion, treaties, or bribery. upon religion and war and incredibly boring dynastic politics. Mansa Musa and his wealth was one reason Mali, lead to a site of cultural exchange, but Mali also became a site of cultural exchange because of the effects of trade, which also lead to spread of knowledge, ideas, and religion. This distinction is the cumulative result of his offspring assimilating over five generations into the United States cultural fabric. Thanks for watching. Chris also wanted to leave behind his wealth and money, so he took his journey to Alaska. His voyage to Mecca was extremely luxurious as he took new inventions from gunpowder to paper with him on his way to Mecca. the coast hundreds of miles into the interior, and including many significant cities, the He turned Mali into one of the largest empires in African history. communities started out quite small, but at their height, between the 13th and 16th century, Not only did the Trans-Saharan trade routes bring commodities such as gold and salt but the Islamic religion as well. And 3. It turns out, it was a lot of trade, converting to Islam, visits from Ibn Battuta, trade, beautiful women, trade, some impressive architecture, and several empires. Mansa Musa went on hajj because he was a Muslim. His elaborate pilgrimage to the Muslim holy city of Mecca in 1324 introduced him to rulers in the Middle East and in Europe. Islam wasn 't accepted in Mecca at first, they didn 't believe in changing their religion views and following altered beliefs. Weve already talked Today, about half of Malis 18.9 million people live in poverty, and only about one-third can read. He sought knowledge.. The stories were passed along by traders and travelers he met during his journey. Check back soon for more announcements and tutorials. What kinds of states were built along the eastern coast of Africa at this time, and how were they linked? Halfway between any two of them are theintermediatedirections: northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest. Giving it privatly will atone for your sins because their god has all knowledge of their actions. Direct link to Bart's post Do you think, you could m, Posted 2 years ago. In true centibillionaire fashion, he did not go it alone. Between 1324 - 1325, Mansa. He was the grandnephew of the first king of the Mali Empire, Sundiata Keita. Historians estimate that the gold he gave away during his hajj alone would be worth more than $100 million today., Musa reportedly pumped so much gold into Cairos economy that the precious metal decreased in value. The power to persuade is a valuable tool for everyone on the Earth. The empire was founded by Sundiata Keita, when he united the tribes of Malinke. Mansa Musas hajj to Mecca began near which river? Those who were not killed by thirst or hunger in the desert died when they were attacked by bandits. However, even before then Mansa Musa readily accepted the religion of Islam and did everything in his power to be a pious Muslim. The people who converted were merchants and elite rulers. 10.Once Musa crossed from Africa into Asia, most of his route to Mecca was in which general direction? The strategic wage of war helped Islam uphold a strong empire. which was itself eventually overthrown for being insufficiently Islamic, all of which This is the richest guy anyone has ever seen., Q: What happened to Musas empire after he died?, A: Musa died in 1337, somewhere around age 55. The motivation for this is because. This trip would take him 1,500 miles across a fearsome desert. Conrad, David C. Empires of Medieval West Africa: Ghana, Mali, and Songhay. Copyright 2023 All rights reserved. Ocean, and some historians even believe that Malians reached the Americas. He is most well-known for his pilgrimage to Mecca that happened in 1324. New York: Facts On File, 2005. for a long time historians believed that the East African cities were all started by Arab Never miss a Northwestern Magazine story: Get the latest stories from the magazine in your inbox six times per year. Islam is still the dominant religion in Mali, but that may be the only aspect Mansa Musa would recognize about the country today. He ordered his people to build a fleet of ships and left the kingdom to the care of his cousin Musa. Although some readers think Odysseus is ignorant and a braggart, I believe he is a strong leader and an admirable wartime hero. In 1324 Musa embarked on a hajj, a religious pilgrimage to Mecca, traveling with an entourage that included 8,000 courtiers, 12,000 servants and 100 camel loads of pure gold. Which of the numbers in this chart might be exaggerations? And each of those lenses may show us the past as if Ms I of Mali, Ms also spelled Musa or Mousa, also called Kankan Ms or Mansa Musa, (died 1332/37? Why are you (that is, your persona) going on this journey? A Golden Age: King Mansa Musa's Reign. At the peak of his success, in 1324, Mansa Musa set out on hishajj.To get to Mecca and back, the pilgrimage had to make two crossings of theSahara, which stretches from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea-an area larger than the continental United States. The group remained there for a while until Musa decided that it was time to return home. Egyptian and Moroccan merchants, in particular, traded more frequently in the empire. How Long In Prison? The Berber merchants played an essential part in dispersing the Islam and its traditions into Sub-Saharan West Africa since they frequently used the Sahara to trade. About 80 camels carried about 300 pounds of gold each. Describe the image of Mansa Musa seen on the map. By 1500, almost all of Musas kingdom, along with his gold and riches, had disappeared.. money had no meaning as Musa had penalty he was observing the 5 pillars of Islam. The Ghana were able to control the route and tax people as they passed, allowing them to build up a revenue. Right, so anyway the Berbers were early converts Some motives were to set up better trade for the future, and gain popularity for his kingdom Mali and himself. Right, so along the way Mansa Musa spent freely Mansa Musa was a devout Muslim. Mansa Musa's Hajj: Remembering the Journey Overview: In 1324 CE, a caravan of as many as 60,000 people left Niani, the old capital of Mali in West Africa. Mansa Musa's Hajj: A Personal Journal By: Tyler Lawrence Ms. Deresky 3 rd Period Niani, January, 1324, Morning The morning sun is just now rising. Anyway, the first kings we have a record of Along the trip, Musa spentand handed outa lot of gold. They were heading to the Muslim holy city of Mecca, nearly 4,000 miles away. The empire was then divided up into provinces that were each led by a governor called a ferba ( In true centibillionaire fashion, he didn't go it alone. 1324 . Who was Mansa Musa, and why was his hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca) so significant? Mansa Musa's Hajj: Remembering the Journey 1. And Amazon founder Jeff Bezos bought a $65 million private jet. Mansa Musa was a Medieval African emperor who ruled over Mali from 1312-1337. His empire lived on for only 100 or so more years, partly because Musas successors did not share his talent for leadership. And of course those luxury goods like porcelain and books. Mali had an ideal location on the upper Niger River in West Africa. He was known as one of the richest men that have ever lived. The evening performance brought together some of Northwesterns most famous entertainment alumni, including Ana Gasteyer 89, Heather Headley 97, Brian dArcy James 90, Richard Kind 78, Harry Lennix 86,Tony Roberts 61 and, of course, Stephen Colbert 86, 11 H, who hosted the night of merriment. Then compare those points with the maps scale of miles or kilometers. He hates it as there is no fresh water, no trees, nothing but salt. also, you could grow a real beard and I'M JEALOUS! Says Tschanz: It was the only time in history that one man controlled the worlds gold market.. Mali had easy access to the Sahara Deserts huge salt deposits., As for gold, the upper reaches of the Niger River produced more gold in the 14th century than anywhere else, says Richard Smith, an expert on ancient Mali at Ferrum College in Virginia. of the steam engine. He was an emperor of the Mali empire. ( It's my home country), Was he really that rich ? Explore more crossword clues and answers by clicking on the results or quizzes. Mansa Musas hajj influenced the worlds perception of West Africa because it showed how many people were Muslim and the amount of resources West Africa had. He took his first pilgrimage to Mecca in 1324 at 52. crackers." So why havent more people heard of Musa, nicknamed the Lion of Mali? In true centibillionaire fashion, he didnt go it alone. Q: That sounds like a lot of work. He was the richest person ever, that is until someone breaks that record, which has not happened. Direct link to 55LaurieJ's post At about 6:25 on the vide, Posted 15 days ago. What is your estimate on the time it would take Mansa Musa caravan to travel from Niani to Cairo? So, what exactly was going on there? The kings caravan made a stopover in Cairo where Mansa Musa met the citys governor. By 1500, almost all of Musas kingdom had disappeared. What might Europeans think about western Africa after viewing The Catalan Atlas? It was more money than anybody had ever seen anybody ever bring with them, Tschanz says. @thoughtbubbler Musas journey was a 4,000-mile hajjthe Muslim pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca. When Mansa was the emperor he made many changes to the way he ran the society. What does he look like? He wanted to show his commitment to Islam. Imagine as much gold as you think a human being could possess and double it, Rudolph Ware told Time. Direct link to BENDER's post He was the richest person, Posted 2 years ago. Musa ruled over 40 million people in his kingdom. RANK. When he became the 10th king of the Mali Empire, the kingdoms of Gao and Mani were under Mansa Musas rule. But Swahili civilization didnt begin its was preserved via oral rather than written tradition. What does the term mansa mean? They were heading to the Muslim city of Mecca, nearly 4,000 miles away. Shut up and take back Celine Dion! Sadly, he had to borrow money from Cairos moneylenders so that he and his people could go home. Amazing Bible Timeline with World History. You think the oral tradition is uncivilized The ability to convince is the most important for a parent however, especially as their children grow older. A: Pretty important. A: He did build an awful lot. But he is by no means the richest man of all time. Gold in the empire was seen as a trade item and a source of currency, and much like the Ghana only gold dust was used in trade as the nuggets themselves would be placed in the kingdom. By the end of the second close read, you should be able to answer the following questions: Finally, here are some questions that will help you focus on why this video matters and how it connects to other content youve studied. Well, first, it tells us there were African kingdoms, ruled by fabulously While the Indian Ocean and Trans-Saharan trade routes both encouraged and facilitated the spread of Islam, the Indian Ocean saw a more extensive diffusion of disease, and traded across water instead of land. This is what it was like on Mansa Musas hajj. Many world history classes dont even discuss events that happened before 1450especially those in Africa.. This is the richest guy anyone has ever seen.. Easily See 6017 Years of Biblical and World History Together! What evidence does he use to argue that oral tradition is in fact important? of Venice - no, Thought Bubble, like actual merchants of Venice - right - they saw him Rihanna reportedly spends $1 million a year on her hair. brought back scholars and architects to build mosques. That may seem like a bad deal until you consider that without salt, we die, The Swahili language is part of a language largely non-Muslim populations which worshipped traditional African gods and spirits. Thanks, Thought Bubble. By Stephanie Kulke The one in Kilwa even impressed Ibn Battuta, adopting Islam were from Ghana, which was the first empire in western Africa. Camels. An Open Letter to Ibn Battuta: I wonder whats attention to the Iliad and the Odyssey, which were composed and memorized by poets for centuries Sahara Large vast desert that stretches across Africa farther than the U.S. Savanna Grassland that are flat being the opposite of the Sahara in Africa. Because they must visit the sacred house for His sake. Mansa Musa journeyed to the holy city of Mecca with more than 60,000 people. Siddhartha then realizes this is not the journey he should be taking and so he goes to live in the city and become wealthy. During the time period of 600 CE, many routes were established through the Middle East for numerous reasons. Lord Chesterfields letter to his young son is a wonderful example of this. In recent years, Mali has become a breeding ground for terrorism. Also he had 500 slaves carry golden staffs. lot of questions about west Africa, namely, what did his kingdom look like and how did Whom are the pilgrims looking to please? He traveled with a serious squad of more than 60,000 people. But this time, the great king had no money nor gold to give away as his treasures had run out. The first of these maps appeared in Italy in 1339 with Mansa Musa's name and likeness. There are 5 pillars of Islam, one being a Hajj to Mecca, that Muslims take part in to prove that they are good Muslims. Ancient Africa Test 5/06/16 World History, Geography Key Terms - Weathering, Erosion, Ma, The Origin of Species: The Beak of the Finch, Harold Levine, Norman Levine, Robert T. Levine, Glencoe Language Arts: Grammar and Language Workbook, Grade 9, myPerspectives: English Language Arts, Grade 7. All right, now lets move to the other side 8. Musas claim to fame extended far beyond money, however. What type of personal behavior is expected on the hajj? Siddharthas and Chris journeys are both motivated by the rejection of their old lifestyles. Mansa Musa went on a Hajj for his religion, but he had other intentions for participating in this journey. QUIZ. Learning of books through architecture nicely One of the greatest caravans to ever cross the Sahara was led by Mansa Musa, the legendary ruler of the vast West African empire of Mali. @realjohngreen In one of the oldest pieces of literature, The Odyssey written by Homer, Odysseus is a heroic and admirable commander that goes beyond his own duties to protect his men and return home to his beloved Ithaca. From 1312 to 1337, a new mansa of Mali was Mansa Musa. (Invaders destroyed the school a few centuries later.). These questions will help you get a better understanding of the concepts and arguments that are presented in the video. (Invaders destroyed the school a few centuries later.). 2. The Malian Empire eventually fell to Songhai, They spent gold until they depressed its value in Egypt and caused its price to fall.. Follow us! His net worth would have topped $400 billion in todays dollars. According to document A, The Muslims gathered together, and the Greek army marched against them The battle they fought at al-Yarmuk was of the fiercest and bloodiest kind. The Muslims fought very hard to get more land. That is the Muslim pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca. "By 622 resistance became so strong that Muhammad decided to leave"( Back Ground Essay). What kinds of states were built along the eastern coast of Africa at this time, and how were they linked? to Mecca. During quest he brought 60,000 people and 12,000 were slaves. Mansa Musa devalued his gold and lost almost all of it. , on theBlock Museum of Arts exhibition leave behind his wealth and,... Men who ever lived one of Musas kingdom had disappeared when they attacked! And following altered beliefs because it will atone for their sins what percentage of travelers on the,. Even teachers to know how to sway and individual or audience over Mali from 1312-1337 )! 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Of Mallorca Catalan Atlas hard to get more land, Sundiata Keita their economy about him his! Readers think Odysseus is ignorant and a braggart, i believe he is the richest person of all.. His money on building stuff it was like on Mansa Musas hajj Mecca. And, 2. Mansa Musa seen on the vide, Posted 2 years ago find on... Crossed from Africa into Asia, most of his offspring assimilating over generations. Egyptian and Moroccan merchants, in particular, traded more frequently in the.! Mali, and its original speakers were from West Africa: Ghana, Mali has become a breeding for... And even teachers to know how to sway and individual or audience the religion of and... Influenced by Arabic religion views and following altered beliefs when they were heading to the Muslim city Mecca!

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    mansa musa's hajj: remembering the journey answer key